I saw The Mission play live at A38 Budapest last night. The concert was more than fantastic! All the supporting bands were good - Dead Guitars was a big surprise for me because I didn't know the band until last night and actually I kinda fell in love with their songs. But The Mission............oh dear God. I haven't been expecting such a great performance and show. They were playing for 2 long hours, many songs and they were really nice to the ppl. Wayne took one's cell phone during a song - dunno why but that was funny - I think Mark <3 told him to give it back or something. So, the whole show was energetic, Mark was absolutely handsome, didn't think he looks so pretty - but God, even 42 year old people can be HOT like hell. So, after the concert we went to drink something and then we saw that 2 of the guys came down from the stage, talking to people and fan girls hahaha so we desperately started to find a fucking piece of paper to have their autographs on. After a few mins we realized that we still have our tickets so I asked Tom to talk instead of me - because whenever I see a hot guy I just can't open my mouth - so Tom told Mark that I am his biggest fan - actually I didn't even know his name that time lol - so he wrote his signature for me and Dóri. Yes yes yes we have it now!!! After a few mins again we saw that the guys are taking photos with fans so...again we were too shy to go back and ask them for a photo. Then Brigi came...oh girl, I will bless you forever, she said this is the only chance for us in this life so we went back and took those photos with Mark. <3 Actually I took a seat on his left hand. :)))) Ooops, my bad. :) So we went home after all this, satisfied, happy and awake - didn't know how to fall asleep.
Guys, wish you came back once again to Hungary for one more concert, one last, even if I know it was the very last one. I love you guys, I loved the concert I won't ever forget!
Respect. xxx xxx xxx
"and the dance goes on"
No-one can save you now...
Seems like we make a couple again. I believe no-one could ever take this feeling away from us, my dear! Love takes over time after time, love brings me back to you, niin jykevää on rakkaus. ;) I am happier than ever before - especially now that you said you are coming with me to see HIM live. My wildest dream will come alive! Heartache is gone. You are mine forever. "No one can save you now from this grace you are drowning in..." I love you. |
Between darkness and light
So is our heaven worth the waiting?
"I'll be drowning you in this river of gloom
Forever in my heart"
"I'll be drowning you in this river of gloom
Forever in my heart"
All in one
Hei again, it's a dark Sunday evening, parents just arrived home, I am feeling sick. My throat hurt like hell, I am afraid I'll have a fever - hope not. I don't wanna be ill. So all day I was drinking this Neocitran shit my mom gave me. Hopefully I'll get better soon, I cannot miss the school. Oh God, I'll have to get up at 5 early morning - too early - to catch the bus to go back to Budapest. Crazy me, going back today would have been so much easier...
(Mocskos pedofilok??? Mi a szösz?!!)
I can't wait to buy Versatile Digital Doom by HIM! (CD/DVD)
Take care Sweethearts.
(Mocskos pedofilok??? Mi a szösz?!!)
I can't wait to buy Versatile Digital Doom by HIM! (CD/DVD)
Take care Sweethearts.
De akkor is...
"Állok melletted, ahogyan máskor más mellett nem, és annyira szeretnélek szeretni, nem is tudod, nem is tudom, érzem, érzem. Most úgy teszel, mintha, aztán mégsem, és én nem nézek rád, közömbös leszek, mostantól az akarok lenni és nem akarok a szádhoz érni, mint régen, mint tegnap. Mint egy perce még. Megérint, hogy itt vagy és úgy teszek, mintha más valaki volnál és én se én, hanem az a másik lennék, aki nincs itt, akit nem érdekelsz. Már nem akarom megsimogatni a fejed, nyugtatón és forrón és kinevethetőn és banálisan. Nem akarom a szemedet nézni, amíg könnybe lábadok, nem akarlak megcsókolni és nem akarom, hogy megcsókolj. De mosolygok is rád, és nem kerüllek el, szóba elegyedünk, beszéljük ostobán a semmit. Hétköznapi leszek veled. Nem vagyunk ünnep többé, kár, hogy egyetlen percre se voltunk. Nehéz a szívem, de ha akarom, nem fáj. Nevetek magamon, új kamaszként : mindegy, ugye, mindegy? Gondolsz-e bármire ha látsz, ha látlak, mit gondolsz? Így jó? Így jó most? Már nem akarlak meghódítani, álmomban látott kép vagy, és én nem kereslek ébren, majd ha tudlak, nem kereslek. Nem kívánlak és nem akarok a testedhez érni, mohó markolással és cirógatással. Tévedés, hogy megszerettelek, nem megszerezni, nem birtokolni akarlak, nem, nem, inkább a semmi. A halálos közömbösség. A csend, mint sikoly. Így akartad, akarjuk akkor így. (Ákos)"
Well, I'd get so fucking angry if these pimples stayed on my body. All over. And there is more coming. :( WHY? Itching, hell I will scrape my body till I'll skin myself to the bone. So I am drinking this calcium shit since days, I hope it will fade soon!
Feels like shit, eh!!!
Nagyon mérges leszek, ha nem tűnnek el a kiütéseim! Iszom a kálciumot, szóval javulnia kéne a helyzetnek, de honnan jöttek, mit kaptam el, kitől, mikor??? Jézus!!! Lekaparom a bőröm komolyan!!!
Szar, színtisztán!!!
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