
So you are curious about how I spent my vacation?

Nothing special, believe me.
First day, I was waiting for the clock to finally tick 10 pm so I could go and pick my sister up at her workplace. Mmm, there was nothing else I could do because I was like a zombie, alarm at 6 am made my day just lazy as hell. Dinner spent with family and friends. Second day: no swimming, the water was freaking coooold. Sunbath? Never. Spent my time in the shade of a tree, reading mmm and "playing" football with my cousins that I had to take "care" of. Okay, once a year. :) So, second night, one man, boy, one crazy boy came around, known each other since we're 14 so...shared a few bottles of wine that night. And the night after. And the night after. My honorary foster-brother showed up too and damn he really can make me laugh so hard all.the.time. with everything he says and they way he says. Okay, my sister's birthday. The notebook had the effect on her. Guess she still cannot believe she is not dreaming, girl you are not, that machine is yours and I'm taking care of it while you are gone. Next day, hm hm I think I did the same, oh my sister had a day off sooo we did swim and had just fun, and later in the evening, what else: dirty drunk mother fuckers. I arrived back home yesterday, oh shit, had to wake up at 7am again soooo early, zombie-day again, but god tell me, why can't I sleep now, and could not the night before, I mean no matter how tired and exhausted I am, I cannot fall asleep before 4 am. So, my Sweet Nuts, she is in Robland now and can you hear me Crazy I miss you like hell but have serious fun and okay 6 more days without you then George and Gracie will be fucking back!!! I wish I was rich enough to make a phone call, I mean sex phone with you every night ^^ haha. Your green belongs to me anyway. And THANK YOU for my pre-Xmas present, you're a treasure, Nuts!
So I am home again. Today is daddy's birthday and I should do my very best to get my ass outta bed around 8-9 am, God, I am optimistic, I will do it! Hm, I guess I should watch a movie now and fall asleep as soon as I can. Still have to burn the disc, Love in the time of cholera - I want to see it again and now!
Good night sweetheart.
Oh and Lili, thanks for re-writing my story by walking in to my life. You are the playmate I was praying for. ^^

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