
Live to tell the tale

Maybe it's time now to put you aside, even if it's impossible but for a second only, I could try. I have already spent fifty-three fabulous days in this enchanted forest. Sometimes I am wondering if all this calmness is nothing else but isolation in disguise or simply the best thing that's ever happened to me? Let's just spit it out: I am not isolated at all. I'd rather say I'm mesmerized by all the surroundings. Like, look at the snow!........I feel like I have never seen real snow at all since I have seen this. This. Yes, I am not even trying to define what it's like. It's the purest white stuff I have ever tasted. Don't get carried away, we all eat snow, don't we?
Truth to be told, I am not missing much. I got used to it, living far from who and what's important and honestly...my days have never been brighter. BB boys are fantastic, the deeper I sink into anything Batman, Spider-man and Star Wars, the better our relationship gets. *yay* There is one "thing" I miss and once again, words are not good enough to express what I am feeling. What I know is that I burn up and down in flames like...24/7. Jeez. He is good at this burning my ass thing. You might have noticed that now I'm back to the same old story aka him which means that I have to force these little fingers to stop typewriting and click on the post button. Catch me on Twitter and then we can chat. xoxo

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