Without a doubt
Get stoned
Just hear me out
If it's not perfect I'll perfect it 'til my heart explodes
I highly doubt
I can make it through another of your episodes
Lashing out
One of the petty moves you pull before you lose control
You wear me out
But it's all right now
Lets go home and get stoned
We could end up making love instead of misery
Go home and get stoned
Cause the sex is so much better when you're mad at me
You wear me out (We could end up making love instead of misery)
But it's all right now
Without a doubt
The break up is worth the make up sex you're giving me
Lets hash it out
Cause your bitchin and your yelling don't mean anything
Don't count me out
I can handle all the baggage that you're carrying
You wear me out
But it's all right now
Let's go home and get stoned
We could end up making love instead of misery
Go home and get stoned
Cause the sex is so much better when you're mad at me
You wear me out (We could end up making love instead of misery)
But it's alright now
Lets go home and get stoned
We could end up making love instead of misery
Go home and get stoned
Cause the sex is so much better when you're mad at me
Go home and get stoned
Lets go home and get stoned...
Merry Christmas to Everyone!!!
Forever Love and longing, Andy Valo / Gotthyka / Bogyo / Boci (?) / Andrea
I want to make a memory...
Kinda always like it used to be
Sippin' wine, killing time
Trying to solve life's mysteries
How's your life, it's been a while
God it's good to see you smile
I see you reaching for your keys
Looking for a reason not to leave
If you don't know if you should stay
If you don't say what's on your mind
Baby just breathe
There's nowhere else tonight we should be
You wanna make a memory
I dug up this old photograph
Look at all that hair we had.
It's bittersweet to hear you laugh
Your phone is ringing I don't wanna ask
If you go now, I'll understand
If you stay, hey, I've got a plan
We're gonna make a memory
You wanna steal a piece of time
You can sing the melody to me
And I can write a couple of lines
You wanna make a memory
If you don't know if you should stay
And you don't say what's on your mind
Baby just breathe
There's nowhere else tonight we should be
We Should be
You wanna make a memory
You wanna steal a piece of time
You can sing the melody to me
And I can write a couple of lines
You wanna make a memory...
Loner longing...
Still fresh from the red-hot blade of your words"
I wish to be buried in the world of snow and cold. I am waiting for the snow to fall on my lips again. Christmas is coming and I have only one wish. I'll try to believe strongly so it must come true! :) (You don't understand, you don't need to understand.)
Well, I am up to tide this fu**ing house. Wish me luck.
Angel, look it's snowing again out there! Wish you were here so we'd go & play. No, girl, I don't feel grey. I don't feel blue. I don't feel like the rain. I feel like...the way the snow is coming down. It's so calm, to pure, so beautiful. Sugar from the heavens above - it all makes me have a sweet taste in my mouth. See, how optimistic I am. :)
Things will get better. ("It can't get worse??")
Always the same question (why)
»Elmult minden, nem szeretlek!«
Úgy fáj ez a képmutatás,
Úgy fáj ez az én szivemnek.
De mit tegyek? Hivalkodjam
Bánatommal a világnak?
Vagy lenézve, kinevetve
Siránkozzam még utánad?...
Rejtegetem szivem mélyén,
Féltve, fájón a nagy titkot:
Hogy feledni el nem tudlak,
Hogy nem leszek soha boldog!
Apukámtól (love him so)
"Annyira kell a meleg, a fény, a boldogság, a tavasz, a nyár, a szerelem, a nevetés, a haverok, a kacsintás, a zene, a felszabadult lelek. Az akarat, mely tudja hova vezet, es boldog az ember lelke, mert megvalósította két keze az álmait!"
Annyira jó apa vagy.
Last letter...
Kedvenc filmem: A Holló - mert megtanított arra, hogy "örökké nem eshet"
Kedvenc színészem: Johnny Depp for ever
Kedvenc italom: Krisztus vére
Kedvenc évszakom: as the rain falls down, that's how I feel inside. Autumn. A tél gyönyörű, amikor a hó megmarad!!! "Buried in the snow I'll wait for you"
Kedvenc ételem: csirkepöriiii
Kedvenc napom: péntek...
Kedvenc hobbim: haldoklás
Legfőbb kedvenceim: HUGIM, ANYUKÁM, APUKÁM, TIMEE, HIM, Jesus Christ - my superhero
Továbbadni???? MollyFall???? Bevállalod? :)
New dawn - out of him?
Back from the End.
It all made me (my heart?) so weak. Maybe he is a chance to take. Maybe I should give in to my fears. Maybe it'd be the last time to feel alive again. I love his crazy ways!!! And sure I would like to see him at the moment but ... sure I am such a good girl, (s)aint that I just know what I am up to do. All I need is my sweet dream in a deep sleep. And tomorrow we'll see if the sun will rise again. Maybe I should believe that this time I am the lucky one. And what if I am not? My heart is already torn apart so why should I care if I die a bit more?
"You said you'll try to make a new dawn
But I know how hard it is to let go..."
So I'll lose myself but I don't mind.
Igen. Csak még egyszer...
Csak még egyszer...
Rövid a szívnek ifjusága...
Egy erős érzés megvisel már,
Kifáradok hamar a vágyba'
Egy vágyam erős: nyugalom...
Az egek ostromlásán kezdjük,
Óh, mint tudunk égni, szeretni!
És elkopunk, mint a fatengely,
A szívünk egy kiégett katlan,
Nincs benne láng: csak pernye, semmi...
Aki úgy látja a világot,
Mint én - s óh, jaj, magát is benne,
Nincs elmúlás, halál, enyészet,
Amely annak fájdalmas lenne...
Ahogy van: minden úgy van rendbe,
Elég, hogy élünk!... Mért kivánjunk élni?...
Fáradtan oly jó nyugalomra vágyni...
De néha mégis oly jó volna égni!...
Lángolni, mint kölyök-koromban
És miként akkor: bízni és remélni...
Meglegyint késői fuvalma
A lezajlott ifjú viharnak;
Ha látom, hogy vannak még karok
S azok ölelni engem akarnak...
...Ilyenkor szeretnék szeretni,
De nincs már nékem semmi lángom,
Egy erős érzés megvisel már,
Én már csak a nyugvásra vágyom...
S hogy el tudnék akkor pihenni,
Ha mindenki rugna, utálna!...
Rövid a szívnek ifjusága...